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bone, no bone

Video, HD, black & white, sound, loop, 5’ 21’’, 2017



O Boris tinha nove anos e meio quando estas filmagens foram feitas. Antes de imaginar que, cerca de um ano depois, uma doença fulminante o iria levar. Nasceu a 2 de Dezembro de 2007 e deixou-nos a 2 de Outubro de 2018. Nunca havia estado doente. Tinha vitalidade para animar uma casa inteira.


Pertencia à família da minha irmã. Todavia, na necessidade de mudarem de casa, não puderam ficar com ele e aos seis meses viajou até Coimbra. Adorava vir comigo para o atelier. Quase me levava na frente, vrummmm a correr lá para dentro. Já sabia que depois deveria ficar quieto enquanto eu trabalhava, mas fazia sempre a tentativa de brincarmos ou esparramava-se de barriga para o ar a pedir festas.


Estas filmagens foram feitas logo à primeira, sem ensaios. O Boris não era um cão treinado. Decidi ver como reagia à minha passividade. E na realidade pensei que continuaria a querer brincar, independentemente de eu ter um osso ou não. Mas claro, um osso não é igual à ração do dia-a-dia. Ainda assim, demorou algum tempo a aperceber-se.

Boris was nine and a half years old when these recordings were made. Before imagining that, a year later, a fatal illness took him. He was born on the 2nd of December 2007 and left us on 2nd of October 2018. He had never been ill. He had a vitality to liven up a whole house.

He belonged to my sister's family. However, when they needed to move house, he could not stay with them and within six months travelled to Coimbra. He loved to come with me to my studio. He almost led me from infront, vrummm running into it. He already knew that he should be still while I was working, but he always attempted to play or lie down on his belly to ask for treats.

These recordings were done at first without any rehearsals. Boris was not a trained dog. I decided to see how he reacted to my passivity. And in fact I thought he would want to continue play, whether I had a bone or not. But of course, a bone is not the same as the day-to-day dog food. Still, it took some time to figure out whether the bone was there.


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